I was once an author of good standing in CIAO US writing quality contents and reviews from products purchased offline and online that I personally used. All contents and reviews posted were paid by CIAO. There were many authors of different nationality writing thereat abiding its policies, terms and conditions.

Unfortunately, when CIAO discovered that there were many authors abused its policy by copying and pasting reviews posted by other authors, several accounts were deactivated until CIAO US ceased its operation except CIAO, UK.

When CIAO, US finally closed and ceased its operation all authors of good standing were informed and sent us a letter informing that contents and reviews that had not been paid, payment was underway. 

True, we were all paid with our posted contents and reviews. We were even invited to continue writing at CIAO, UK. At first, I was then writing at CIAO, UK however, in the long run I stopped since I don't have enough time to be an active writer with the site. CIAO, UK is still existing to present but I do not know if there were changes as to its policies. 

Sad to say, that the opportunities given by CIAO had been stopped. For me, that was of great help not only to earn but to learn more especially in writing. With these, I have been very thankful to CIAO that I was once a part of it. 

By the way, CIAO is owned by Microsoft and may a new CIAO,US be opened and created.