The existence of Information and Communication Technology as well as the Internet, Hacking also commences.
Hacking is now very rampant online. Every activity online has also been monitored by hackers to serve their purpose.
Hackers used hacking as part of their ways to learn and earn. They are inspired with their knowledge and intelligence.
Through this, they are motivated to enjoy the benefit of healthy living, improve economic condition and become famous.
Some of them infiltrated millions of computers around the globe and skimmed millions of dollars from people's bank accounts. They acquired thousands and millions from infiltration.
Did these hackers have been apprehended? No. Only few of them were swooped by authorities and charged with the offense of "Computer Misuse Act." Some of these offenders were absolved from the charged, others were acquitted and convicted.
Remaining free hackers will always exist and will do the same act while Information and Communication Technology exists.
Authorities also remain prying to apprehend them.
Hacking is a crime where hackers also live, let the authorities resolve unto it. Some say people enjoy the benefits of what they were trying to achieve from their own intelligence.