Our office is engage of voluminous paper work where it needs additional printer in addition to the printers being provided by our Agency. During procurement of office equipment, HP products have been included to our "Invitation to Bid" and it won during the bidding.

When we have this equipment in our office, we were very much impressed of its high quality performance. Its multitasking performance prints multiple copies of our official documents. The machine printed fast with the speed of 12 seconds per printing.

Just imagine, when I told our Machine Operator to print 100 copies of the Documentary Annexes submitted by our clients to be attached to the record, in just 4 minutes the documents were already printed. The machine also copied digital images clearly. I can say that the product is working great. You won't regret spending your hard earned money for buying this product.

So, if you're looking for a multitasking printer, try it now and have your access online to buy said product at the comfort of your home. There are lots of shopping stores online one of it is shop.com. This store as far as the selling price is concerned, has a lesser price among the other shopping stores online.



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